CITY OF LEDUCCOUNCIL MEETING AMENDED AGENDA Monday, March 08, 2021 at 5:00 P.m. - 9:00 P.m.Council Chambers, Leduc Civic Centre1 Alexandra Park, Leduc, Alberta1.CALL TO ORDER 2.ADOPTION OF AGENDA 3.ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION AND RELATED BUSINESS 3.1Select Items for Debate 3.2Vote on Items not Selected for Debate 4.ADOPTION OF PREVIOUS MINUTES 4.1Approval of Minutes of the Council Meeting held February 22, 2021 1.Minutes of the Council Meeting - February 22, 2021.pdf5.RECOGNITION ITEMS 6.PUBLIC COMMENTARY 7.PRESENTATIONS 7.1Upcoming TELUS Connectivity Enhancements for Downtown Local Businesses 1.7.1 - Leduc City Council Fibre Discussion - March 2021.pdfFIRST ITEM OF BUSINESS (Presentation Attached to Agenda) (B. Bettis, GM, Northern Alberta and BC Interior, TELUS / S. Olson)7.2Programming for the Vulnerable Population 1.Presentation - Programming for the Vulnerable Population.pdf(Presentation Attached) (J. Hutton, Executive Director, Open Door Camrose)8.PUBLIC HEARING 8.1Bylaw No. 1051-2020 - Redistricting Robinson Stage 10 1.Public Hearing Ad - Bylaw No. 1051-2020.pdf8.2Bylaw No. 1073-2020 - 65th Avenue Area Structure Plan 1.Public Hearing Ad - Bylaw No. 1073-2020.pdf2.Presentation - Bylaw No. 1073-2020 - 65th Ave ASP Public Hearing.pdf(Presentation Attached)8.3Bylaw No. 1074-2020 - Municipal Development Plan Amendment 1.Public Hearing Ad - Bylaw No. 1074-2020.pdf2.Presentation - Bylaw 1074-2020 - Municipal Development Amendment Public Hearing.pdf(Presentation Attached)8.4Bylaw No. 1078-2021 – Redistricting Black Stone Stage 4 1.Public Hearing Ad - Bylaw No. 1078-2021.pdf9.BUSINESS 9.1Edmonton Metropolitan Region Board ("EMRB") Update - March 2021 1.Edmonton Metropolitan Region Board (EMRB) Update - March 2021.pdf2.RAMP Stakeholder Engagement What We Heard Report.pdf3.Updates on EMRB Initiatives as of February 4, 2021.pdf(M. Hay)9.22021 Leduc Golf Club Project No. 087-174 - Capital Funding Contribution 1.2021 Leduc Golf Club Project No. 087.174 - Capital Funding Contribution.pdf2.Leduc Golf Club Correspondence, Dated February 9, 2021.pdf(D. Melvie)9.3Alberta Coal Policy and Consultation Process 1.Alberta Coal Policy and Consultation Process.pdf2.LEAB - Government of Alberta Coal Initiative.pdf(Councillor L. Hansen)9.4Inauguration Discussion (Mayor B. Young)9.5Special Council Meeting 10.BYLAWS 10.1Bylaw No. 1051-2020 - Redistricting Robinson Stage 10 (2nd and 3rd Readings) 1.Bylaw No. 1051-2020 – Redistricting Robinson Stage 10 (2nd and 3rd Readings) .pdf2.Attachment 1 - Bylaw No. 1051-2020 - Redistricting Robinson Stage 10 (DC27).pdf3.Attachment 2 - Bylaw No. 1051-2020 - Key Plan.pdf4.Attachment 3 - Bylaw No. 1051-2020 - Redistricting Plan.pdf5.Attachment 4 - Bylaw No. 1051-2020 - Approved Subdivision Plan.pdf6.Attachment 5 - Bylaw No. 1051-2020 - Snow Storage Plan.pdf(J. Lui)10.2Bylaw No. 1073-2020 - 65th Avenue Area Structure Plan (2nd and 3rd Readings) 1.Bylaw No. 1073-2020 - 65th Avenue Area Structure Plan (2nd and 3rd Readings).pdf2.Attachment 1 - Bylaw No. 1073-2020 w Schedule A Attached.pdf(J. Brown)10.3Bylaw No. 1074-2020 - Municipal Development Plan Amendment (2nd and 3rd Readings) 1.Bylaw No. 1074-2020 - Municipal Development Plan Amendment (2nd and 3rd Readings).pdf2.Attachment 1 - Bylaw No. 1074-2020 - MDP Amendment.pdf3.Attachment 2 - Bylaw No. 1057-2020 - MDP w Schedule A Attached.pdf(J. Brown)10.4Bylaw No. 1078-2021 – Redistricting Black Stone Stage 4 (2nd and 3rd Readings) 1.Bylaw No. 1078-2021 - Redistricting Black Stone Stage 4 (2nd and 3rd Readings).pdf2.Attachment 1 - Bylaw No. 1078-2021 -Redistricting Black Stone 4.pdf3.Attachment 2 - Bylaw No. 1078-2021 - Key Plan.pdf4.Attachment 3 - Bylaw No. 1078-2021 - Redistricting Plan.pdf5.Attachment 4 - Bylaw No. 1078-2021 - Amended Subdivision Plan 2021.pdf(A. Renneberg)10.5Bylaw No. 1081-2021 - Sewer Bylaw (1st, 2nd and 3rd Readings) 1.Bylaw No. 1081-2021 - Sewer Bylaw (1st, 2nd and 3rd Readings).pdf2.Attachment 1 - Bylaw No. 1081-2021.pdf(R. Sereda)10.6Bylaw No. 1083-2021 – Text Amendments to Land Use Bylaw No. 809-2013 (1st Reading) 1.Bylaw No. 1083-2021 – Text Amendments to Land Use Bylaw No. 809-2013 (1st Reading).pdf2.Attachment 1 - Bylaw No. 1083-2021.pdf3.Attachment 2 - Bylaw No. 1083-2021 - Breakdown of Rationale.pdf(J. Lui)10.7Bylaw No. 1087-2021 - Borrowing Bylaw for Land Purchase (1st Reading) 1.Bylaw No. 1087-2021 - Land Purchase Borrowing Bylaw (1st Reading).pdf2.Attachment 1 - Bylaw No. 1087-2021 - Land Purchase Borrowing Bylaw.pdf3.Presentation - Bylaw No. 1087-2021 - Borrowing Bylaw for Land Purchase.pdf(C. Dragan-Sima)10.8Bylaw No. 1089-2021 - A Bylaw to Revise Debenture Bylaw No. 1016-2018 - Southeast Boundary Road (Hwy 2A to Coady Blvd) (1st, 2nd and 3rd Readings) 1.Bylaw No. 1089-2021 - Revision to Bylaw 1016-2018 - Southeast Boundary Road (1st, 2nd and 3rd Readings).pdf2.Bylaw 1016-2018 - Southeast Boundary Road (Hwy 2A to Coady Blvd).pdf3.Revised Bylaw 1089-2021 - Southeast Boundary Road (Highway 2A to Coady Blvd) Final.pdf(C. Dragan-Sima)11.UPDATES FROM BOARDS & COMMITTEES 11.1Council Member Updates from Boards & Committees 11.2Council Member Updates from Commissions, Authorities, Other 12.INFORMATION REPORTS 12.1Mayor's Report 1.Mayor's Report.pdf12.2Building Inspector's Report 1.Building Inspector's Report.pdf12.3Newly Issued Business Licences 1.Newly Issued Business Licences.pdf13.COMMITTEE-OF-THE-WHOLE 13.1COVID-19 Update for March 8, 2021 1.COVID-19 Update for March 8, 2021.pdf(Presentation Attached) (I. Sasyniuk / D. Melvie)13.2Face Coverings Bylaw Options 1.Face Coverings Bylaw Options.pdf2.Bylaw No. 1062-2020 - Face Coverings Bylaw_0.pdf(D. Prohar)14.CLOSED SESSION 14.1Council Closed Session Public Comments: 14.2Committee-of-the-Whole Closed Session Public Comments: 14.2.1Airport Vicinity Protection Area ("AVPA") Update for March 8, 2021 Public Comments: FOIP s. 24 and 25 (D. Prohar / A. Leung)15.RISE AND REPORT FROM CLOSED SESSION 15.1Rise and Report from Council Closed Session 15.2Rise and Report from Committee-of-the-Whole Closed Session 15.2.1Airport Vicinity Protection Area ("AVPA") Update for March 8, 2021 FOIP s. 24 and 2516.ADJOURNMENT No Item Selected This item has no attachments1.Presentation - Programming for the Vulnerable Population.pdf1.2021 Leduc Golf Club Project No. 087.174 - Capital Funding Contribution.pdf2.Leduc Golf Club Correspondence, Dated February 9, 2021.pdf1.Bylaw No. 1051-2020 – Redistricting Robinson Stage 10 (2nd and 3rd Readings) .pdf2.Attachment 1 - Bylaw No. 1051-2020 - Redistricting Robinson Stage 10 (DC27).pdf3.Attachment 2 - Bylaw No. 1051-2020 - Key Plan.pdf4.Attachment 3 - Bylaw No. 1051-2020 - Redistricting Plan.pdf5.Attachment 4 - Bylaw No. 1051-2020 - Approved Subdivision Plan.pdf6.Attachment 5 - Bylaw No. 1051-2020 - Snow Storage Plan.pdf1.Bylaw No. 1073-2020 - 65th Avenue Area Structure Plan (2nd and 3rd Readings).pdf2.Attachment 1 - Bylaw No. 1073-2020 w Schedule A Attached.pdf1.Building Inspector's Report.pdf1.Newly Issued Business Licences.pdf1.Bylaw No. 1074-2020 - Municipal Development Plan Amendment (2nd and 3rd Readings).pdf2.Attachment 1 - Bylaw No. 1074-2020 - MDP Amendment.pdf3.Attachment 2 - Bylaw No. 1057-2020 - MDP w Schedule A Attached.pdf1.Bylaw No. 1078-2021 - Redistricting Black Stone Stage 4 (2nd and 3rd Readings).pdf2.Attachment 1 - Bylaw No. 1078-2021 -Redistricting Black Stone 4.pdf3.Attachment 2 - Bylaw No. 1078-2021 - Key Plan.pdf4.Attachment 3 - Bylaw No. 1078-2021 - Redistricting Plan.pdf5.Attachment 4 - Bylaw No. 1078-2021 - Amended Subdivision Plan 2021.pdf1.Bylaw No. 1083-2021 – Text Amendments to Land Use Bylaw No. 809-2013 (1st Reading).pdf2.Attachment 1 - Bylaw No. 1083-2021.pdf3.Attachment 2 - Bylaw No. 1083-2021 - Breakdown of Rationale.pdf1.Edmonton Metropolitan Region Board (EMRB) Update - March 2021.pdf2.RAMP Stakeholder Engagement What We Heard Report.pdf3.Updates on EMRB Initiatives as of February 4, 2021.pdf1.Public Hearing Ad - Bylaw No. 1051-2020.pdf1.Public Hearing Ad - Bylaw No. 1073-2020.pdf2.Presentation - Bylaw No. 1073-2020 - 65th Ave ASP Public Hearing.pdf1.Public Hearing Ad - Bylaw No. 1074-2020.pdf2.Presentation - Bylaw 1074-2020 - Municipal Development Amendment Public Hearing.pdf1.Public Hearing Ad - Bylaw No. 1078-2021.pdf1.Mayor's Report.pdf1.Face Coverings Bylaw Options.pdf2.Bylaw No. 1062-2020 - Face Coverings Bylaw_0.pdf1.Bylaw No. 1089-2021 - Revision to Bylaw 1016-2018 - Southeast Boundary Road (1st, 2nd and 3rd Readings).pdf2.Bylaw 1016-2018 - Southeast Boundary Road (Hwy 2A to Coady Blvd).pdf3.Revised Bylaw 1089-2021 - Southeast Boundary Road (Highway 2A to Coady Blvd) Final.pdf1.Alberta Coal Policy and Consultation Process.pdf2.LEAB - Government of Alberta Coal Initiative.pdf1.Bylaw No. 1081-2021 - Sewer Bylaw (1st, 2nd and 3rd Readings).pdf2.Attachment 1 - Bylaw No. 1081-2021.pdf1.Bylaw No. 1087-2021 - Land Purchase Borrowing Bylaw (1st Reading).pdf2.Attachment 1 - Bylaw No. 1087-2021 - Land Purchase Borrowing Bylaw.pdf3.Presentation - Bylaw No. 1087-2021 - Borrowing Bylaw for Land Purchase.pdf1.COVID-19 Update for March 8, 2021.pdf1.Minutes of the Council Meeting - February 22, 2021.pdf1.7.1 - Leduc City Council Fibre Discussion - March 2021.pdf