Council Chambers, Leduc Civic Centre
1 Alexandra Park, Leduc, Alberta
  • Mayor B. Young,
  • Councillor B. Beckett,
  • Councillor G. Finstad,
  • Councillor B. Hamilton,
  • Councillor L. Hansen,
  • Councillor T. Lazowski,
  • and Councillor L. Tillack
Also Present:
  • M. Pieters, A/City Manager
  • and S. Davis, City Clerk

Mayor B. Young called the meeting to order at 7 pm.

  • MOVED byCouncillor L. Hansen

    That the agenda be adopted with the following addition:

    9.  BUSINESS

    9.7 Doris Smith Park Basketball Courts

    Motion Carried Unanimously

The following items were selected for debate:


9.1 COVID-19 Face Mask Survey Results and Draft Bylaw No. 1062-2020 Mandatory Face Coverings Bylaw

9.2 Chamber Audio Visual Technology Procurement

9.5 Advancement of Cemetery Development 

Votes recorded under item headings.

The following bylaws were selected for debate:

10.2 Bylaw No. 1040-2019 - Land Use Bylaw Text Amendments (3rd Reading)

Votes recorded under item headings.

  • MOVED byCouncillor T. Lazowski

    That the minutes of the Council Meeting held July 6, 2020, be approved as presented.

    Motion Carried Unanimously

There were no Recognition Items for the agenda.


R. Lee, a Leduc resident, asked that Council consider an amendment to s. 52, "Items on a Roadway", in the Traffic Bylaw.   The Traffic Bylaw does not include the discharge of items such as grass onto the roadway, which is dangerous.  The amendment could indicate that no items should be discharged on a roadway or add the word "grass".

Administration will review this matter and report back to Council.

D. Tona and D. Kirk, City of Leduc residents, spoke to Council about Michener Centre ("Centre") in Red Deer, which homes 120 profoundly disabled individuals. The Provincial Government wants to once again reduce services at the Centre to cut expenses. These individuals are not "Red Tape" reductions.  D. Tona requested that City of Leduc Council write a letter of support to keeping open the Centre as well as development of surrounding lands to further support the needs of Michener Centre residents.

D. Tona was requested to send a copy of the letter of support for review by Council.


Mayor B. Young declared the Public Hearing for Bylaw No. 1057-2020 open at 7:18 pm.

Written Submissions:

No written submissions were received.



K. Fougere, Long Range Planner II, and J. Brown, Long Range Planner II, made a PowerPoint presentation (Attached to Agenda).

J. Brown, K. Fougere, M. Pieters, A/City Manager, S. Losier, A/Director, Planning and Economic Development, and D. Peck, Manager, Current Development, answered Council's questions.

Other Presentations

There were no other presentations.

Mayor B. Young declared the Public Hearing for Bylaw No. 1057-2020 closed at 7:30 pm.



I. Sasyniuk, General Manager, Corporate Services, made a verbal presentation advising of the results of two surveys - one completed by residents and one completed by Leduc businesses.   I. Sasyniuk also introduced Bylaw No. 1052-2020, the Mandatory Face Coverings Bylaw.

I. Sasyniuk answered Council's questions.


  • MOVED byCouncillor B. Beckett

    That Council give Bylaw No. 1062-2020 first reading.

    In Favour: (5)Mayor B. Young, Councillor B. Beckett, Councillor B. Hamilton, Councillor L. Hansen, and Councillor T. Lazowski
    Opposed: (2)Councillor G. Finstad, and Councillor L. Tillack
    Motion Carried
  • Amendment:
    MOVED byCouncillor G. Finstad

    That Bylaw No. 1062-2020 be amended to change the trigger number from 10 to 15.

    In Favour: (2)Councillor G. Finstad, and Councillor L. Tillack
    Opposed: (5)Mayor B. Young, Councillor B. Beckett, Councillor B. Hamilton, Councillor L. Hansen, and Councillor T. Lazowski
    Motion Defeated
  • MOVED byCouncillor B. Hamilton

    That Council give Bylaw No. 1062-2020 second reading.

    Motion Carried Unanimously
  • MOVED byCouncillor G. Finstad

    That Council unanimously consent to consider Bylaw No. 1062-2020 for third reading.

    Motion Carried Unanimously
  • MOVED byCouncillor B. Hamilton

    That Council give Bylaw No. 1062-2020 third reading.

    Motion Carried Unanimously

J. Graham, Chief Communication Officer, and L. Spratt, Comtec Associates Ltd. made a verbal presentation.  J. Graham answered Council's questions. 

  • MOVED byCouncillor G. Finstad

    That Council direct Administration to approve the award of the contract for the Council Chambers audio visual system to the selected proponent for the value no greater than $95,000 to deliver the capabilities noted in this report and defined in the Request for Proposal documents. Additional capital project costs in excess of $74,600 are to be funded through capital project 092.378 Technology Investment Projects.

    Motion Carried Unanimously
  • MOVED byCouncillor T. Lazowski

    That Council approve the Wetland Restoration 2020 capital project to a maximum of $240,000 once confirmation has been received that the City of Leduc’s proposal to the Alberta Environment and Parks wetland replacement funding has been approved.

    Motion Carried Unanimously

S. Olson, A/General Manager, Infrastructure and Planning, and R. Sereda, Director, Public Services, made a verbal presentation on the Municipal Stimulus Program funds ("MSP").  The $3.9 M in MSP funds are available and the application must be submitted by September 1, 2020.  Up to five projects can be funded.

S. Olson, R. Sereda and M. Pieters, A/City Manager, answered Council's questions.

Administration was directed to bring forward other opportunities for use of the MSP funds.  


There was no update at this time.

There was no update at this time.

I. Sasyniuk, Task Force Chair, made a verbal report on the current facilities that are now open to the public, including the outdoor spray park.  




I. Sasyniuk, General Manager, Corporate Services, made a PowerPoint presentation (Attached to Amended Agenda) advising of COVID-19 costs to date and cash flow projections.


Council discussed various options for remediation of resident concerns.


  • MOVED byCouncillor G. Finstad

    That Administration review the basketball court locations in Doris Smith Park and return to Council with options that will mitigate the concerns raise by residents.

    Motion Carried Unanimously


  • MOVED byCouncillor T. Lazowski

    That Council give Bylaw No. 1038-2019 First Reading.

    Motion Carried Unanimously
  • MOVED byCouncillor T. Lazowski

    That Council give Bylaw No. 1038-2019 Second Reading.

    Motion Carried Unanimously
  • MOVED byCouncillor T. Lazowski

    That Council unanimously agrees to give Bylaw No. 1038-2019 Third Reading.

    Motion Carried Unanimously
  • MOVED byCouncillor T. Lazowski

    That Council give Bylaw No. 1038-2019 Third Reading.

    Motion Carried Unanimously

D. Peck, Manager, Current Planning, made a verbal presentation and answered Council's questions.



  • MOVED byCouncillor G. Finstad

    That Council give Bylaw No. 1040-2019, as amended, Third Reading.

    Motion Carried Unanimously
  • MOVED byCouncillor T. Lazowski

    That Council give Bylaw No. 1059-2020 First Reading.

    Motion Carried Unanimously
  • MOVED byCouncillor T. Lazowski

    That Bylaw No. 1061-2020 receive First Reading.

    Motion Carried Unanimously
  • MOVED byCouncillor T. Lazowski

    That Bylaw No. 1061-2020 receive Second Reading.

    Motion Carried Unanimously
  • MOVED byCouncillor T. Lazowski

    That Council unanimously agrees to give Bylaw No. 1061-2020 Third Reading.

    Motion Carried Unanimously
  • MOVED byCouncillor T. Lazowski

    That Bylaw No. 1061-2020 receive Third Reading.

    Motion Carried Unanimously

There were no Closed Session items for the agenda.


The Council meeting adjourned at 9:07 pm.

No Item Selected