CITY OF LEDUCCOUNCIL MEETING AGENDAMonday, August 22, 2022 at 5:30 P.m. - 9:00 P.m.Council Chambers, Leduc Civic Centre1 Alexandra Park, Leduc, Alberta1.CALL TO ORDER 2.LAND ACKNOWLEGEMENT AND TREATY 6 PROCLAMATION (Mayor B. Young)3.ADOPTION OF AGENDA Recommendation: That the agenda be adopted as presented.4.PROPOSED CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS (Mayor B. Young)Votes recorded under item headings.5. ADOPTION OF PREVIOUS MINUTES5.1. Approval of Minutes of the Council Meeting held July 11, 202211. BYLAWS11.2. Bylaw No. 1135-2022 – Amendments to Bylaw No. 767-2011 – Business Licence Bylaw (1st Reading)13. INFORMATION ITEMS13.2. Second Quarter Financial Variance Report 2022That Council approve the proposed consent agenda and reflected recommendations.5.ADOPTION OF PREVIOUS MINUTES 5.1Approval of Minutes of the Council Meeting held July 11, 2022 1.Minutes of the Council Meeting - July 11, 2022.pdfRecommendation: That the minutes of the Council Meeting held July 11, 2022, be approved as presented.6.RECOGNITION ITEMS 6.1Leduc Achievement Award - Leduc Soccer Association U17 Boys Team - Provincial Champions (Mayor B. Young)6.2Staff Introduction - City Clerk (G. Klenke)6.3Staff Introduction - Director, Community and Social Development (D. Melvie)7.PUBLIC COMMENTARY 8.PUBLIC HEARING 8.1Bylaw No. 1134-2022 – Amendment to Land Use Bylaw No. 809-2013 (Industrial Parking) 1.Public Hearing Ad - Bylaw No. 1134-2022.pdf2.Administration Presentation - Bylaw No. 1134-2022.pdf(K. Stadnyk / M. Norris)(Administration Presentation Attached)8.2Bylaw No. 1136-2022 - Amendment to Land Use Bylaw No. 809-2013 (AVPA) 1.Public Hearing Ad - Bylaw No. 1136-2022.pdf2.Administration Presentation - Bylaw No. 1136-2022.pdf(D. Peck / K. Stadnyk)(Administration Presentation Attached)9.PRESENTATIONS 9.1Boys and Girls Club of Leduc 1.Boys and Girls Club of Leduc.pdf(Presentation Attached)(S. Bissell, Executive Director)10.BUSINESS 11.BYLAWS 11.1Bylaw No. 1118-2022 - A Bylaw to Repeal Bylaw No. 772-2011 – City of Leduc-Leduc County Intermunicipal Development Plan (IDP) (3rd Reading) 1.Bylaw No. 1118-2022 - A Bylaw to Repeal Bylaw No. 772-2011 – City of Leduc Leduc County IDP (3rd Reading).pdf2.Bylaw No. 1118-2022 - Repeal Bylaw No 772-2011 - IDP.pdf3.Bylaw No. 1118-2022 - IDP - Notification Letter.pdf4.Bylaw No. 1118-2022 - IDP- Leduc County February 10, 2022 Report.pdf(D. Peck)Recommendation: That Council give Bylaw No.1118-2022 third reading.11.2Bylaw No. 1123-2022 – Amendments to Bylaw No. 878-2014 – Traffic Bylaw (1st Reading) 1.Bylaw No. 1123-2022 - Amendments to Bylaw No. 878-2014 - Traffic Bylaw (1st Reading).pdf2.Updates to Traffic Bylaw 878-2014 (from Committee of the Whole January 24, 2022).pdf3.Bylaw No. 1123-2022 - Amendments to Bylaw No. 878-2014 - Traffic Bylaw.pdf(C. Chisholm)Recommendation: That Council give Bylaw No. 1123-2022 first reading.Recommendation: That Council approves a transfer of $100,000 from the Operating Reserve to fund the $80,000 one-time costs for signs and $20,000 educational campaign related to the snow clearing program in 2022. 11.3Bylaw No. 1135-2022 – Amendments to Bylaw No. 767-2011 – Business Licence Bylaw (1st Reading) 1.Bylaw No. 1135-2022 - Amendments to Bylaw No. 767-2011 – Business Licence Bylaw (1st Reading).pdf2.Updates to Traffic Bylaw No. 878-2014 (from Committee of the Whole January 24, 2022).pdf3.Draft Bylaw No. 1135-2022 final.pdf(C. Chisholm)Recommendation: That Council give Bylaw No. 1135-2022 – Amendments to Bylaw No. 767-2011 – Business Licence Bylaw first reading.11.4Bylaw No. 1134-2022 – Amendment to Land Use Bylaw No. 809-2013 (Industrial Parking) (2nd and 3rd Readings) 1.Bylaw No. 1134-2022 - Amendment to Land Use Bylaw No. 809-2013 (Industrial Parking) (2nd and 3rd Readings).pdf2.Bylaw No. 1134-2022 - Amendment to Land Use Bylaw No. 809-2013.pdf3.Bylaw No. 1134-2022 - Schedule A - Land Use Map.pdf4.Bylaw No. 1134-2022 - Schedule B - Industrial Zone Review Parking Report.pdf5.Bylaw No. 1134-2022 - Schedule C - Downtown Parking Study.pdf(K. Stadnyk / M. Norris)Recommendation: That Council give Bylaw No. 1134-2022 second reading.Recommendation: That Council give Bylaw No. 1134-2022 third reading11.5Bylaw No. 1136-2022 - Amendment to Land Use Bylaw 809-2013 (Airport Vicinity Protection Area) (2nd and 3rd Readings) 1.Bylaw No. 1136-2022, Amendment to Land Use Bylaw No. 809-2013 (AVPA) (2nd and 3rd Readings).pdf2.Bylaw No. 1136-2022 - Schedule A Attached.pdf3.Bylaw No. 1136-2022 - Schedule B - Figure 7 Land Use Map.pdf4.Bylaw No. 1136-2022 - General Amendment Rationale.pdf(D. Peck / K. Stadnyk)Recommendation: That Council give Bylaw No. 1136-2022 second reading.Recommendation: That Council give Bylaw No. 1136-2022 third reading.11.6Bylaw No. 1137-2022 - A Bylaw to Amend Bylaw No. 1104-2021 (2022 Fees Bylaw) (1st, 2nd and 3rd Readings) 1.Bylaw No. 1137-2022 - A Bylaw to Amend Bylaw No. 1104-2021 (2022 Fees Bylaw) (1st, 2nd and 3rd Readings).pdf2.Bylaw No. 1137-2022 - A Bylaw to Amend Bylaw No. 1104-2021 (2022 Fees Bylaw).pdf(H. Wilson)Recommendation: That Council give Bylaw No. 1137-2022 first reading.Recommendation: That Council give Bylaw No. 1137-2022 second reading.Recommendation: That Council unanimously agrees to consider Bylaw No. 1137-2022 receive third reading.Recommendation: That Council give Bylaw No. 1137-2022 third reading.12.UPDATES FROM BOARDS, COMMITTEES, COMMISSIONS AND AUTHORITIES 13.INFORMATION REPORTS 13.1Leduc Enforcement Services Update 1.Leduc Enforcement Services Update .pdf2.Presentation - Leduc Enforcement Services (LES) Update.pdf(Presentation Attached)(C. Chisholm)13.2Second Quarter Financial Variance Report 2022 1.Second Quarter Financial Variance Report 2022.pdf2.City of Leduc Operating Variance Report from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022.pdf3.City of Leduc Capital Project Report from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022.pdf4.City of Leduc Council Expenses by Council Member from January 1, 2022.pdf(G. Peskens)13.3Future Agenda Items 1.Future Agenda Items - Updated August 18, 2022.pdf(D. Prohar)14.COMMITTEE-OF-THE-WHOLE 15.CLOSED SESSION Recommendation: That Council move into Closed Session, at [Time] pm, per sections 16, 17, 19, 21, 23, 24 and 25 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. 15.1Council Closed Session Public Comments: 15.2Committee-of-the-Whole Closed Session Public Comments: 15.2.1Program Space Expansion Costing Update Public Comments: FOIP s. 24 and 25 (J. Kamlah)15.2.2Land Development Matter Update for August 22, 2022 Attachments | Public Comments1.Public Hearing Ad - Bylaw No. 1134-2022.pdf2.Administration Presentation - Bylaw No. 1134-2022.pdfFOIP s. 16, 24 and 25 (Mayor B. Young)15.2.3Leduc County and City of Leduc Tax Share Update for August 22, 2022 Public Comments: FOIP s. 21, 23, 24 and 25 (D. Prohar)15.2.4Intermunicipal Projects Update / Strategic Planning Attachments | Public Comments1.Minutes of the Council Meeting - July 11, 2022.pdfFOIP s. 21, 23, 24 and 2515.2.5Personnel Matters Update for August 22, 2022 Public Comments: FOIP s. 17, 19 and 24 (D. Prohar)Recommendation: That Council move into Open Session at [Time] pm.16.RISE AND REPORT FROM CLOSED SESSION 16.1Rise and Report from Council Closed Session 16.2Rise and Report from Committee-of-the-Whole Closed Session 17.ADJOURNMENT No Item Selected This item has no attachments1.Public Hearing Ad - Bylaw No. 1134-2022.pdf2.Administration Presentation - Bylaw No. 1134-2022.pdf1.Bylaw No. 1134-2022 - Amendment to Land Use Bylaw No. 809-2013 (Industrial Parking) (2nd and 3rd Readings).pdf2.Bylaw No. 1134-2022 - Amendment to Land Use Bylaw No. 809-2013.pdf3.Bylaw No. 1134-2022 - Schedule A - Land Use Map.pdf4.Bylaw No. 1134-2022 - Schedule B - Industrial Zone Review Parking Report.pdf5.Bylaw No. 1134-2022 - Schedule C - Downtown Parking Study.pdf1.Bylaw No. 1136-2022, Amendment to Land Use Bylaw No. 809-2013 (AVPA) (2nd and 3rd Readings).pdf2.Bylaw No. 1136-2022 - Schedule A Attached.pdf3.Bylaw No. 1136-2022 - Schedule B - Figure 7 Land Use Map.pdf4.Bylaw No. 1136-2022 - General Amendment Rationale.pdf1.Bylaw No. 1135-2022 - Amendments to Bylaw No. 767-2011 – Business Licence Bylaw (1st Reading).pdf2.Updates to Traffic Bylaw No. 878-2014 (from Committee of the Whole January 24, 2022).pdf3.Draft Bylaw No. 1135-2022 final.pdf1.Bylaw No. 1118-2022 - A Bylaw to Repeal Bylaw No. 772-2011 – City of Leduc Leduc County IDP (3rd Reading).pdf2.Bylaw No. 1118-2022 - Repeal Bylaw No 772-2011 - IDP.pdf3.Bylaw No. 1118-2022 - IDP - Notification Letter.pdf4.Bylaw No. 1118-2022 - IDP- Leduc County February 10, 2022 Report.pdf1.Bylaw No. 1137-2022 - A Bylaw to Amend Bylaw No. 1104-2021 (2022 Fees Bylaw) (1st, 2nd and 3rd Readings).pdf2.Bylaw No. 1137-2022 - A Bylaw to Amend Bylaw No. 1104-2021 (2022 Fees Bylaw).pdf1.Minutes of the Council Meeting - July 11, 2022.pdf1.Boys and Girls Club of Leduc.pdf1.Second Quarter Financial Variance Report 2022.pdf2.City of Leduc Operating Variance Report from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022.pdf3.City of Leduc Capital Project Report from January 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022.pdf4.City of Leduc Council Expenses by Council Member from January 1, 2022.pdf1.Leduc Enforcement Services Update .pdf2.Presentation - Leduc Enforcement Services (LES) Update.pdf1.Bylaw No. 1123-2022 - Amendments to Bylaw No. 878-2014 - Traffic Bylaw (1st Reading).pdf2.Updates to Traffic Bylaw 878-2014 (from Committee of the Whole January 24, 2022).pdf3.Bylaw No. 1123-2022 - Amendments to Bylaw No. 878-2014 - Traffic Bylaw.pdf1.Future Agenda Items - Updated August 18, 2022.pdf1.Public Hearing Ad - Bylaw No. 1136-2022.pdf2.Administration Presentation - Bylaw No. 1136-2022.pdf