Council Chambers, Leduc Civic Centre
1 Alexandra Park, Leduc, Alberta
  • Mayor B. Young,
  • Councillor B. Beckett,
  • Councillor G. Finstad,
  • Councillor B. Hamilton,
  • Councillor L. Hansen,
  • Councillor T. Lazowski,
  • and Councillor L. Tillack
Also Present:
  • D. Prohar, City Manager
  • and S. Davis, City Clerk

Mayor B. Young called the meeting to order at 5:02 pm.

  • MOVED byCouncillor L. Hansen

    That the agenda be adopted with the following addition:

    9.  BUSINESS

    9.5 Special Council Meeting

    Motion Carried Unanimously

The following items were selected for debate:


7.1 Upcoming TELUS Connectivity Enhancements for Downtown Local Businesses

7.2 Programming for the Vulnerable Population


9.3 Alberta Coal Policy and Consultation Process

9.4 Inauguration Discussion


10.1 Bylaw No. 1051-2020 - Redistricting Robinson Stage 10 (2nd and 3rd Readings)

10.2 Bylaw No. 1073-2020 - 65th Avenue Area Structure Plan (2nd and 3rd Readings)

10.3 Bylaw No. 1074-2020 - Municipal Development Plan Amendment (2nd and 3rd Readings)

10.4 Bylaw No. 1078-2021 - Redistricting Black Stone Stage 4 (2nd and 3rd Readings)

10.5 Bylaw No. 1081-2021 - Sewer Bylaw (1st, 2nd and 3rd Readings)

10.7 Bylaw No. 1087-2021 - Borrowing Bylaw for Land Purchase (1st Reading)


13.2.1. COVID-19 Update for March 8, 2021

13.2.2  Face Coverings Bylaw Options


14.2 Committee-of-the-Whole Closed Session

14.2.1 Airport Vicinity Protection Area ("AVPA") Update for March 8, 2021 (FOIP s. 24 and 25)

Votes recorded under item headings.

  • MOVED byCouncillor B. Beckett

    That the minutes of the Council Meeting held February 22, 2021, be approved as presented.

    Motion Carried Unanimously

There were no Recognition Items for the agenda.

There was no Public Commentary.

B. Bettis, General Manager, Northern Alberta and BC Interior, TELUS, made a PowerPoint presentation (Attached to Amended Agenda) and answered Council's questions.

Mayor B. Young stated that TELUS' announcement is great news for the City of Leduc. 

J. Hutton, Executive Director, Open Door Camrose, made a PowerPoint presentation (Attached to Agenda) on the work being done by the organization and answered Council's questions.

Mayor B. Young thanked J. Hutton for her presentation.

Mayor B. Young declared the Public Hearing for Bylaw No. 1051-2020 open at 5:42 pm.

Written Submissions:

No written submissions were received.



J. Lui, Planner II, made a presentation. 

Other Presentations

There were no other presentations.

Mayor B. Young declared the Public Hearing for Bylaw No. 1051-2020 closed at 5:46 pm.

Mayor B. Young declared the Public Hearing for Bylaw No. 1073-2020 open at 5:46 pm.

Written Submissions:

No written submissions were received.




J. Brown, Planner II, made a PowerPoint presentation (Attached to Agenda) and answered Council's questions.

B. Croucher, Land Sage Consulting Ltd., made a verbal presentation and thanked Council for the work done to bring this to fruition. 

There were no other presentations.

Mayor B. Young declared the Public Hearing for Bylaw No. 1073-2020 closed at 5:58 pm.

Mayor B. Young declared the Public Hearing for Bylaw No. 1074-2020 open at 5:59 pm.

Written Submissions:

No written submissions were received.



J. Brown, Planner II, made a PowerPoint presentation (Attached to Agenda).

Other Presentations

There were no other presentations.

Mayor B. Young declared the Public Hearing for Bylaw No. 1074-2020 closed at 6:01 pm.

Mayor B. Young declared the Public Hearing for Bylaw No. 1078-2021 open at 6:01 pm.

Written Submissions:

No written submissions were received.



A. Renneberg, Planner II, made a PowerPoint presentation (Attached to Agenda).


Other Presentations

There were no other presentations.

Mayor B. Young declared the Public Hearing for Bylaw No. 1078-2021 closed at 6:03 pm.


  • MOVED byCouncillor B. Beckett

    That Council approve the change of scope to the Golf Course Facility project to included the installation of the sidewalk extension.

    Motion Carried Unanimously
  • MOVED byCouncillor B. Beckett

    That Council approve the addition of $16,639 to the 2021 capital budget (Project No. 087.174) to be funded through the General Contingency Reserve with the funds being reimbursed by the Leduc Golf Club upon completion of the sidewalk extension.

    Motion Carried Unanimously

Councillor L. Hansen made a verbal presentation.

  • MOVED byCouncillor L. Hansen

    That Council send a letter to Honourable Sonya Savage, Minister of Energy and to the Premier requesting a pause on all current coal exploration on the eastern slopes of the Rocky Mountains pending a comprehensive public consultation.

    In Favour: (6)Mayor B. Young, Councillor B. Beckett, Councillor G. Finstad, Councillor B. Hamilton, Councillor L. Hansen, and Councillor L. Tillack
    Opposed: (1)Councillor T. Lazowski
    Motion Carried
  • MOVED byCouncillor L. Hansen

    That Council provide input to the Coal Policy Consultation Process, when established, at both the political and administrative levels.

    In Favour: (5)Mayor B. Young, Councillor B. Beckett, Councillor B. Hamilton, Councillor L. Hansen, and Councillor L. Tillack
    Opposed: (2)Councillor G. Finstad, and Councillor T. Lazowski
    Motion Carried

Mayor B. Young made a verbal presentation.  

Council agreed that there will be no reception taking place after the swearing in.  Swearing in will take place at 7 pm on November 1, 2021.


  • MOVED byCouncillor G. Finstad

    That Council call a Special Council meeting to take place at 4 pm on Tuesday, March 16, 2021, to discuss the RCMP Annual Performance Plan.

    Motion Carried Unanimously


  • MOVED byCouncillor B. Hamilton

    That Council give Bylaw No. 1073-2020 second reading.

    Motion Carried Unanimously
  • MOVED byCouncillor B. Beckett

    That Council give Bylaw No. 1073-2020 third reading.

    Motion Carried Unanimously
  • MOVED byCouncillor G. Finstad

    That Council give Bylaw No. 1074-2020 second reading.

    Motion Carried Unanimously
  • MOVED byCouncillor L. Hansen

    That Council give Bylaw No. 1074-2020 third reading.

    Motion Carried Unanimously

R. Sereda, Director, Public Services, made a verbal presentation.

Councillor B. Hamilton thanked Administration for the work done on this Bylaw.


  • MOVED byCouncillor B. Hamilton

    That Council give Bylaw No. 1081-2021 first reading.

    Motion Carried Unanimously
  • MOVED byCouncillor T. Lazowski

    That Council give Bylaw No. 1081-2021 second reading.

    Motion Carried Unanimously
  • MOVED byCouncillor G. Finstad

    That Council unanimously agrees to consider Bylaw No. 1081-2021 receive third reading.

    Motion Carried Unanimously
  • MOVED byCouncillor B. Beckett

    That Council give Bylaw No. 1081-2021 third reading.

    Motion Carried Unanimously

C. Dragan-Sima, A/Director, Finance, made a PowerPoint presentation (Attached to Amended Agenda). 

D. Prohar, City Manager, and Mayor B. Young made a verbal presentation.

  • MOVED byCouncillor B. Hamilton

    That Bylaw No. 1087-2021 receive first reading

    In Favour: (4)Mayor B. Young, Councillor B. Beckett, Councillor G. Finstad, and Councillor B. Hamilton
    Opposed: (3)Councillor L. Hansen, Councillor T. Lazowski, and Councillor L. Tillack
    Motion Carried
  • MOVED byCouncillor B. Beckett

    That Council give Bylaw No. 1089-2021 first reading.

    Motion Carried Unanimously
  • MOVED byCouncillor B. Beckett

    That Council give Bylaw No. 1089-2021 second reading.

    Motion Carried Unanimously
  • MOVED byCouncillor B. Beckett

    That Council unanimously agrees to consider Bylaw No. 1089-2021 receive third reading.

    Motion Carried Unanimously
  • MOVED byCouncillor B. Beckett

    That Council give Bylaw No. 1089-2021 third reading.

    Motion Carried Unanimously

I. Sasyniuk, General Manager, Corporate Services, and D. Melvie, General Manager, Community and Protective Services and Co-Chairs of the COVID-19 Working Group, made a PowerPoint presentation (Attached to the Agenda) relative to:

  • the financial impacts caused by COVID-19
  • Amenities Opening - STEP 2  

D. Melvie and D. Prohar, City Manager, answered Council's questions.


D. Prohar, City Manager, made a verbal presentation.

G. Klenke, City Solicitor, and D. Prohar answered Council's questions

  • MOVED byCouncillor L. Hansen

    That Council move into a Council meeting.

    Motion Carried Unanimously
  • MOVED byCouncillor B. Hamilton

    That Council direct that the operation and enforcement of Bylaw No. 1062-2020, the Face Coverings Bylaw, be suspended indefinitely.

    Motion Carried Unanimously
  • MOVED byCouncillor B. Beckett

    That Council move into Committee-of-the-Whole.

    Motion Carried Unanimously
  • MOVED byCouncillor L. Hansen

    That Council move into Closed Session at 7:24 pm.

    Motion Carried Unanimously

Council Closed Session

Committee-of-the-Whole Closed Session

Airport Vicinity Protection Area ("AVPA") Update for March 8, 2021

FOIP s. 24 and 25

(D. Prohar / A. Leung)

FOIP s. 24 and 25

  • MOVED byCouncillor B. Beckett

    That Council move into Open Session at 7:39 pm.

    Motion Carried Unanimously

There were no items under this heading.

FOIP s. 24 and 25

Also in attendance:

Executive Team

M. Hay, Director, Government Relations and Corporate Planning Strategy

S. Losier, Director, Planning and Economic Development

A. Leung, Director, Communications and Marketing

K. Yake, Communications Officer

S. Davis, City Clerk

M. Hormazabal, Deputy City Clerk

D. Prohar, City Manager, A. Leung and K. Yake made a verbal presentation.

D. Prohar and Mayor B. Young answered Council's questions.


The Council meeting adjourned at 7:41 pm.

No Item Selected